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第2019-18期 Strategic Efficiency: The Key for Total Synthesis
发布时间:2019-04-02  查看次数:

报告题目:Strategic Efficiency:The Key for Total Synthesis

报 告 人:邱发洋研究员博士生导师






B.S.,1982,Wuhan University.

M.S., 1987,Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Ph.D.,1996,The Ohio State University,Columbus.

Postdoctoral,1999The University of California,Berkeley.


20071月 至今,中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院博士生导师

199610– 200612,在美国硅谷地区几家生物技术公司工作任研究员职员



 基于复杂天然产物分子的药物开发技术;

 新颖的有机化学反应及高效率的有机合成方法

邱发洋,1982年于武汉大学化学系获得学士学位,1987年在中国科学院上海有机化学研究所获得硕士学位,1996年在美国俄亥俄州大学获得化学博士学位,1997年-2001年,先后任职于美国硅谷地区的Amur、Sugen和Xenoport等公司,担任研究员,资深研究员和研究组长。2005年9月-2006年12月作为访问学者在美国密西西比大学药学院从事药物的合成与研发。2007年1月回国加入中科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院任研究员。邱发洋课题组的主要研究领域包括复杂天然产物分子的高效率全合成,基于复杂天然产物分子的药物开发,新型有机反应的发现和高效率有机合成方法的应用。回国前曾在J. Am. Chem. Soc.发表论文三篇,J. Org. Chem发表一篇。回国后已高效率完成了10个著名天然产物的全合成,包括Forskolin关键中间体、Minfiensine、Terpestacin、Stemoamide、Aspidophytine、Acetylaspidoalbidine、Aplykurodinone-1、Lycopladine A及Gelsemine的全合成。发表影响因子6.0以上文章7篇。研究组现有在读研究生10人(其中联合培养生3人)。


1. Sheng Chen, Jinming Wang andFayang G. Qiu*

A Divergent and Concise Total Synthesis of (-)-Lycoposerramine R and (+)- Lycopladine A

Chem. Commun.2018, DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x

2. Bo Xu, Wen Xun, Tingzhong Wang andFayang G. Qiu*

Total Synthesis of (+)-Aplykurodinone-1.

Org. Lett.,2017,19, 4861-4863.

3. Xiaoming Chen, Shengguo Duan, Cheng Tao, Hongbin Zhai andFayang G. Qiu*

Total Synthesis of (+)-Gelsemine via an Organocatalytic Diels-Alder Approach

Nature Commun.,2015,6, 7204-8.

4. Jian Jin andFayang G. Qiu*

Total Synthesis of (+/-)-1-Acetylaspidoalbidine and (+/-)-1-Methylaspidospermidine.

Adv. Synth. Cat.2014,356, 340-346.

5. Zhengnian Li, Lijuan Zhang* andFayang G. Qiu*

A Concise Stereocontrolled Total Synthesis of (+/-)-Stemoamide.

Asian J. Org Chem.2014,3(1), 52-54.

6. Rongwen Yang andFayang G. Qiu*

General Entry to Aspidosperma Alkaloids: Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (−)-Aspidophytine.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2013,52(23), 6015-6018.

7. Yehua Jin andFayang G. Qiu*

A convergent stereocontrolled total synthesis of (−)-terpestacin.

Org. Biomol. Chem.2012,10(28), 5452-5455.

8. Peijun Liu, Juan Wang, Jiancun Zhang* andFayang G. Qiu*

A Concise Total Synthesis of (±)-Minfiensine.

Org. Lett.2011,13(24), 6426-6428.

9. Heping Ye, Gang Deng, Jun Liu* andFayang G. Qiu*

Expedient Construction of the Ziegler Intermediate Useful for the Synthesis of Forskolin via Consecutive Rearrangements.

Org. Lett.2009,11(23), 5442-5444.

10. Fayang Qiu

Strategic Efficiency, The New Thrust for Synthetic Organic Chemists

Can. J. Chem.2008,86, 903-906.

Papers before GIBH:

11. Gideon Fraenkel* andFayang Qiu

Structure and Dynamic Behavior of Substituted Allyllithium Compounds

J. Am. Chem. Soc.2000,122, 12806-12812.

12. Gideon Fraenkel* andFayang Qiu

Partially Delocalized Allylic Lithium Compounds: Dynamics of Inversion, 1,3-Li Shift, and C-Li Bond Exchange Influence of the Stereochemistry of Solvation,

J. Am. Chem. Soc.1997,119, 3571-3579.

13. Gideon Fraenkel* andFayang Qiu,

Observation of a Partially Delocalized Allyliclithium and the Dynamics of its 1,3-Lithium

Sigmatropic Shift

J. Am. Chem. Soc.1996,118, 5828-5829.

14. Leo A. Paquette*, Robert E. Moleczka, Jr., andFa-yang Qiu

Regio- and Stereoselective Oxidation of Unsaturated Bicyclo[2,2,2]octanones with Selenium Dioxide

J. Org. Chem.,1991,56,2455-2461.


1. Gallop, Mark A.; Cundy, Kenneth C.; Zhou, Cindy X.; Yao, Fenmei; Xiang, Jia-Ning; Ollman, Ian R.;Qiu, Fayang G. Preparation of GABA analogs as prodrugs. PCT Int. Appl. (2002), 148 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2002100347 A2 20021219 CAN 138:24958 AN 2002:964141

2. Gallop, Mark A.; Cundy, Kenneth C.; Zhou, Cindy X.;Qiu, Fayang G.; Yao, Fenmei; Xiang, Jia-Ning; Ollmann, Ian R. Preparation of GABA analogs as prodrugs. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2004), 52 pp., Cont.-in-part of U.S. Ser. No. 171,485. CODEN: USXXCO US 2004077553 A1 20040422 CAN 140:339635 AN 2004:331762

3. Gallop, Mark A.; Cundy, Kenneth C.; Zhou, Cindy X.;Qiu, Fayang G.; Yao, Fenmei; Xiang, Jia-Ning; Ollmann, Ian R.U.S.Patent # 6,972,341, December2005.

4. Gallop, Mark A.; Cundy, Kenneth C.; Zhou, Cindy X.; Yao, Fenmei; Xiang, Jia-Ning; Ollman, Ian R.;Qiu, Fayang G. Prodrugs of GABA analogs and their preparation, pharmaceutical compositions and use in the treatment of pain.U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ.2006, 50pp. US 2006229361 A1 20061012 CAN 145:418708 AN 2006:1067713.

5. Gallop, Mark A.; Cundy, Kenneth C.; Zhou, Cindy X.;Qiu, Fayang G.; Yao, Fenmei; Xiang, Jia-Ning; Ollmann, Ian R.U.S.Patent # 7,186,855, March2007


Fellow, American Chemical Society2000

Teaching Excellence1991, 1992, 1993, The Ohio State University

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, 1993





